Core IO and DSP¶
Audio loading¶
Load an audio file as a floating point time series. |
Stream audio in fixed-length buffers. |
Convert an audio signal to mono by averaging samples across channels. |
Resample a time series from orig_sr to target_sr |
Compute the duration (in seconds) of an audio time series, feature matrix, or filename. |
Get the sampling rate for a given file. |
Time-domain processing¶
Bounded-lag auto-correlation |
Linear Prediction Coefficients via Burg's method |
Find the zero-crossings of a signal |
mu-law compression |
mu-law expansion |
Signal generation¶
Construct a "click track". |
Construct a pure tone (cosine) signal at a given frequency. |
Construct a "chirp" or "sine-sweep" signal. |
Spectral representations¶
Short-time Fourier transform (STFT). |
Inverse short-time Fourier transform (ISTFT). |
Time-frequency reassigned spectrogram. |
Compute the constant-Q transform of an audio signal. |
Compute the inverse constant-Q transform. |
Compute the hybrid constant-Q transform of an audio signal. |
Compute the pseudo constant-Q transform of an audio signal. |
Compute the variable-Q transform of an audio signal. |
Time-frequency representation using IIR filters |
The fast Mellin transform (FMT) |
Separate a complex-valued spectrogram D into its magnitude (S) and phase (P) components, so that |
Phase recovery¶
Approximate magnitude spectrogram inversion using the "fast" Griffin-Lim algorithm. |
Approximate constant-Q magnitude spectrogram inversion using the "fast" Griffin-Lim algorithm. |
Compute the energy at harmonics of time-frequency representation. |
Harmonic salience function. |
Phase vocoder. |
Magnitude scaling¶
Convert an amplitude spectrogram to dB-scaled spectrogram. |
Convert a dB-scaled spectrogram to an amplitude spectrogram. |
Convert a power spectrogram (amplitude squared) to decibel (dB) units |
Convert a dB-scale spectrogram to a power spectrogram. |
Perceptual weighting of a power spectrogram. |
Compute the weighting of a set of frequencies. |
Compute multiple weightings of a set of frequencies. |
Compute the A-weighting of a set of frequencies. |
Compute the B-weighting of a set of frequencies. |
Compute the C-weighting of a set of frequencies. |
Compute the D-weighting of a set of frequencies. |
Per-channel energy normalization (PCEN) |
Time unit conversion¶
Converts frame indices to audio sample indices. |
Converts frame counts to time (seconds). |
Converts sample indices into STFT frames. |
Convert sample indices to time (in seconds). |
Converts time stamps into STFT frames. |
Convert timestamps (in seconds) to sample indices. |
Convert block indices to frame indices |
Convert block indices to sample indices |
Convert block indices to time (in seconds) |
Frequency unit conversion¶
Convert one or more frequencies (in Hz) to the nearest note names. |
Get MIDI note number(s) for given frequencies |
Convert frequencies (in Hz) to Hindustani svara |
Convert frequencies (in Hz) to Carnatic svara |
Get the frequency (Hz) of MIDI note(s) |
Convert one or more MIDI numbers to note strings. |
Convert MIDI numbers to Hindustani svara |
Convert MIDI numbers to Carnatic svara within a given melakarta raga |
Convert one or more note names to frequency (Hz) |
Convert one or more spelled notes to MIDI number(s). |
Convert western notes to Hindustani svara |
Convert western notes to Carnatic svara |
Convert Hz to Mels |
Convert frequencies (Hz) to (fractional) octave numbers. |
Convert mel bin numbers to frequencies |
Convert octaves numbers to frequencies. |
Convert a reference pitch frequency (e.g., |
Convert a tuning deviation (from 0) in fractions of a bin per octave (e.g., |
Music notation¶
Lists all 12 note names in the chromatic scale, as spelled according to a given key (major or minor). |
Construct the diatonic scale degrees for a given key. |
Spell the Carnatic svara names for a given melakarta raga |
Construct the svara indices (degrees) for a given melakarta raga |
Construct the svara indices (degrees) for a given thaat |
List melakarta ragas by name and index. |
List supported thaats by name. |
Frequency range generation¶
Alternative implementation of np.fft.fftfreq |
Compute the center frequencies of Constant-Q bins. |
Compute an array of acoustic frequencies tuned to the mel scale. |
Compute the frequencies (in beats per minute) corresponding to an onset auto-correlation or tempogram matrix. |
Compute the frequencies (in beats per minute) corresponding to a Fourier tempogram matrix. |
Pitch and tuning¶
Fundamental frequency (F0) estimation using probabilistic YIN (pYIN). |
Fundamental frequency (F0) estimation using the YIN algorithm. |
Estimate the tuning of an audio time series or spectrogram input. |
Given a collection of pitches, estimate its tuning offset (in fractions of a bin) relative to A440=440.0Hz. |
Pitch tracking on thresholded parabolically-interpolated STFT. |
Return an array of sample indices to match the time axis from a feature matrix. |
Return an array of time values to match the time axis from a feature matrix. |
Get the FFT library currently used by librosa |
Set the FFT library used by librosa. |