
You're reading an old version of this documentation. If you want up-to-date information, please have a look at 0.9.1.


Harmonic-percussive source separation

hpss(y, **kwargs)

Decompose an audio time series into harmonic and percussive components.

harmonic(y, **kwargs)

Extract harmonic elements from an audio time-series.

percussive(y, **kwargs)

Extract percussive elements from an audio time-series.

Time and frequency

time_stretch(y, rate, **kwargs)

Time-stretch an audio series by a fixed rate.

pitch_shift(y, sr, n_steps[, ...])

Shift the pitch of a waveform by n_steps semitones.


remix(y, intervals[, align_zeros])

Remix an audio signal by re-ordering time intervals.

trim(y[, top_db, ref, frame_length, hop_length])

Trim leading and trailing silence from an audio signal.

split(y[, top_db, ref, frame_length, hop_length])

Split an audio signal into non-silent intervals.

preemphasis(y[, coef, zi, return_zf])

Pre-emphasize an audio signal with a first-order auto-regressive filter: