
You're reading the documentation for a development version. For the latest released version, please have a look at 0.10.2.

Source code for librosa.util.files

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Utility functions for dealing with files"""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Optional, Union, Any, Set

import os
import glob
import json
import msgpack
from importlib import resources
from pathlib import Path

import pooch

from .exceptions import ParameterError
from ..version import version as librosa_version

__all__ = [

# Instantiate the pooch
__data_path = os.environ.get("LIBROSA_DATA_DIR", pooch.os_cache("librosa"))
__GOODBOY = pooch.create(
    __data_path, base_url="", registry=None

with resources.path("librosa.util.example_data", "registry.txt") as reg:
    # We want to bypass version checks here to allow asynchronous updates for new releases
    __GOODBOY.registry['version_index.msgpack'] = None

with resources.path("librosa.util.example_data", "index.json") as index:
    with"r") as _fdesc:
        __TRACKMAP = json.load(_fdesc)

[docs]def example(key: str, *, hq: bool = False) -> str: """Retrieve the example recording identified by 'key'. The first time an example is requested, it will be downloaded from the remote repository over HTTPS. All subsequent requests will use a locally cached copy of the recording. For a list of examples (and their keys), see `librosa.util.list_examples`. By default, local files will be cached in the directory given by `pooch.os_cache('librosa')`. You can override this by setting an environment variable ``LIBROSA_DATA_DIR`` prior to importing librosa: >>> import os >>> os.environ['LIBROSA_DATA_DIR'] = '/path/to/store/data' >>> import librosa Parameters ---------- key : str The identifier for the track to load hq : bool If ``True``, return the high-quality version of the recording. If ``False``, return the 22KHz mono version of the recording. Returns ------- path : str The path to the requested example file Examples -------- Load "Hungarian Dance #5" by Johannes Brahms >>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.example('brahms')) Load "Vibe Ace" by Kevin MacLeod (the example previously packaged with librosa) in high-quality mode >>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.example('vibeace', hq=True)) See Also -------- librosa.util.list_examples pooch.os_cache """ if key not in __TRACKMAP: raise ParameterError(f"Unknown example key: {key}") if hq: ext = ".hq.ogg" else: ext = ".ogg" return str(__GOODBOY.fetch(__TRACKMAP[key]["path"] + ext))
ex = example """Alias for example"""
[docs]def list_examples() -> None: """List the available audio recordings included with librosa. Each recording is given a unique identifier (e.g., "brahms" or "nutcracker"), listed in the first column of the output. A brief description is provided in the second column. See Also -------- util.example util.example_info """ print("AVAILABLE EXAMPLES") print("-" * 68) for key in sorted(__TRACKMAP.keys()): if key == "pibble": # Shh... she's sleeping continue print(f"{key:10}\t{__TRACKMAP[key]['desc']}")
[docs]def example_info(key: str) -> None: """Display licensing and metadata information for the given example recording. The first time an example is requested, it will be downloaded from the remote repository over HTTPS. All subsequent requests will use a locally cached copy of the recording. For a list of examples (and their keys), see `librosa.util.list_examples`. By default, local files will be cached in the directory given by `pooch.os_cache('librosa')`. You can override this by setting an environment variable ``LIBROSA_DATA_DIR`` prior to importing librosa. Parameters ---------- key : str The identifier for the recording (see `list_examples`) See Also -------- librosa.util.example librosa.util.list_examples pooch.os_cache """ if key not in __TRACKMAP: raise ParameterError(f"Unknown example key: {key}") license_file = __GOODBOY.fetch(__TRACKMAP[key]["path"] + ".txt") with open(license_file, "r") as fdesc: print(f"{key:10s}\t{__TRACKMAP[key]['desc']:s}") print("-" * 68) for line in fdesc: print(line)
[docs]def find_files( directory: Union[str, os.PathLike[Any]], *, ext: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, recurse: bool = True, case_sensitive: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: int = 0, ) -> List[str]: """Get a sorted list of (audio) files in a directory or directory sub-tree. Examples -------- >>> # Get all audio files in a directory sub-tree >>> files = librosa.util.find_files('~/Music') >>> # Look only within a specific directory, not the sub-tree >>> files = librosa.util.find_files('~/Music', recurse=False) >>> # Only look for mp3 files >>> files = librosa.util.find_files('~/Music', ext='mp3') >>> # Or just mp3 and ogg >>> files = librosa.util.find_files('~/Music', ext=['mp3', 'ogg']) >>> # Only get the first 10 files >>> files = librosa.util.find_files('~/Music', limit=10) >>> # Or last 10 files >>> files = librosa.util.find_files('~/Music', offset=-10) >>> # Avoid including search patterns in the path string >>> import glob >>> directory = '~/[202206] Music' >>> directory = glob.escape(directory) # Escape the special characters >>> files = librosa.util.find_files(directory) Parameters ---------- directory : str Path to look for files ext : str or list of str A file extension or list of file extensions to include in the search. Default: ``['aac', 'au', 'flac', 'm4a', 'mp3', 'ogg', 'wav']`` recurse : boolean If ``True``, then all subfolders of ``directory`` will be searched. Otherwise, only ``directory`` will be searched. case_sensitive : boolean If ``False``, files matching upper-case version of extensions will be included. limit : int > 0 or None Return at most ``limit`` files. If ``None``, all files are returned. offset : int Return files starting at ``offset`` within the list. Use negative values to offset from the end of the list. Returns ------- files : list of str The list of audio files. """ if ext is None: ext = ["aac", "au", "flac", "m4a", "mp3", "ogg", "wav"] elif isinstance(ext, str): ext = [ext] # Cast into a set ext = set(ext) # Generate upper-case versions if not case_sensitive: # Force to lower-case ext = {e.lower() for e in ext} # Add in upper-case versions ext |= {e.upper() for e in ext} fileset = set() if recurse: for walk in os.walk(directory): # type: ignore fileset |= __get_files(walk[0], ext) else: fileset = __get_files(directory, ext) files = list(fileset) files.sort() files = files[offset:] if limit is not None: files = files[:limit] return files
def __get_files(dir_name: Union[str, os.PathLike[Any]], extensions: Set[str]): """Get a list of files in a single directory""" # Expand out the directory dir_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(dir_name)) myfiles = set() for sub_ext in extensions: globstr = os.path.join(dir_name, "*" + os.path.extsep + sub_ext) myfiles |= set(glob.glob(globstr)) return myfiles
[docs]def cite(version: Optional[str]=None) -> str: """Print the citation information for librosa. Parameters ---------- version : str or None The version of librosa to cite. If None, the current version is used. Returns ------- doi : str The DOI for the given version of librosa. Raises ------ ParameterError If the requested version is not found in the citation index. Examples -------- >>> librosa.cite("0.10.1") "" """ if version is None: version = librosa_version version_data = __GOODBOY.fetch("version_index.msgpack") with open(version_data, "rb") as fdesc: version_index = msgpack.load(fdesc) if version not in version_index: if "dev" in version: raise ParameterError(f"Version {version} is not yet released and therefore does not yet have a citable DOI.") else: raise ParameterError(f"Version {version} not found in the citation index") return f"{version_index[version]}"