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librosa.pythagorean_intervals(*, bins_per_octave=12, sort=True, return_factors=False)[source]

Pythagorean intervals

Intervals are constructed by stacking ratios of 3/2 (i.e., just perfect fifths) and folding down to a single octave:

1, 3/2, 9/8, 27/16, 81/64, ...

Note that this differs from 3-limit just intonation intervals in that Pythagorean intervals only use positive powers of 3 (ascending fifths) while 3-limit intervals use both positive and negative powers (descending fifths).


The number of intervals to generate


If True then intervals are returned in ascending order. If False, then intervals are returned in circle-of-fifths order.


If True then return a list of dictionaries encoding the prime factorization of each interval as {2: p2, 3: p3} (meaning 3**p3 * 2**p2). If False (default), return intervals as an array of floating point numbers.

intervalsnp.ndarray or list of dictionaries

The constructed interval set. All intervals are mapped to the range [1, 2).

See also



Generate the first 12 intervals

>>> librosa.pythagorean_intervals(bins_per_octave=12)
array([1.      , 1.067871, 1.125   , 1.201355, 1.265625, 1.351524,
       1.423828, 1.5     , 1.601807, 1.6875  , 1.802032, 1.898437])
>>> # Compare to the 12-tone equal temperament intervals:
>>> 2**(np.arange(12)/12)
array([1.      , 1.059463, 1.122462, 1.189207, 1.259921, 1.33484 ,
       1.414214, 1.498307, 1.587401, 1.681793, 1.781797, 1.887749])

Or the first 7, in circle-of-fifths order

>>> librosa.pythagorean_intervals(bins_per_octave=7, sort=False)
array([1.      , 1.5     , 1.125   , 1.6875  , 1.265625, 1.898437,

Generate the first 7, in circle-of-fifths other and factored form

>>> librosa.pythagorean_intervals(bins_per_octave=7, sort=False, return_factors=True)
    {2: 0, 3: 0},
    {2: -1, 3: 1},
    {2: -3, 3: 2},
    {2: -4, 3: 3},
    {2: -6, 3: 4},
    {2: -7, 3: 5},
    {2: -9, 3: 6}