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librosa.beat.beat_track(y=None, sr=22050, onset_envelope=None, hop_length=512, start_bpm=120.0, tightness=100, trim=True, bpm=None, prior=None, units='frames')[source]

Dynamic programming beat tracker.

Beats are detected in three stages, following the method of [1]:
  1. Measure onset strength

  2. Estimate tempo from onset correlation

  3. Pick peaks in onset strength approximately consistent with estimated tempo


Ellis, Daniel PW. “Beat tracking by dynamic programming.” Journal of New Music Research 36.1 (2007): 51-60.

ynp.ndarray [shape=(n,)] or None

audio time series

srnumber > 0 [scalar]

sampling rate of y

onset_envelopenp.ndarray [shape=(n,)] or None

(optional) pre-computed onset strength envelope.

hop_lengthint > 0 [scalar]

number of audio samples between successive onset_envelope values

start_bpmfloat > 0 [scalar]

initial guess for the tempo estimator (in beats per minute)

tightnessfloat [scalar]

tightness of beat distribution around tempo

trimbool [scalar]

trim leading/trailing beats with weak onsets

bpmfloat [scalar]

(optional) If provided, use bpm as the tempo instead of estimating it from onsets.

priorscipy.stats.rv_continuous [optional]

An optional prior distribution over tempo. If provided, start_bpm will be ignored.

units{‘frames’, ‘samples’, ‘time’}

The units to encode detected beat events in. By default, ‘frames’ are used.

tempofloat [scalar, non-negative]

estimated global tempo (in beats per minute)

beatsnp.ndarray [shape=(m,)]

estimated beat event locations in the specified units (default is frame indices)


If no onset strength could be detected, beat_tracker estimates 0 BPM and returns an empty list.


if neither y nor onset_envelope are provided, or if units is not one of ‘frames’, ‘samples’, or ‘time’


Track beats using time series input

>>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.util.example_audio_file())
>>> tempo, beats = librosa.beat.beat_track(y=y, sr=sr)
>>> tempo

Print the first 20 beat frames

>>> beats[:20]
array([ 320,  357,  397,  436,  480,  525,  569,  609,  658,
        698,  737,  777,  817,  857,  896,  936,  976, 1016,
       1055, 1095])

Or print them as timestamps

>>> librosa.frames_to_time(beats[:20], sr=sr)
array([  7.43 ,   8.29 ,   9.218,  10.124,  11.146,  12.19 ,
        13.212,  14.141,  15.279,  16.208,  17.113,  18.042,
        18.971,  19.9  ,  20.805,  21.734,  22.663,  23.591,
        24.497,  25.426])

Track beats using a pre-computed onset envelope

>>> onset_env = librosa.onset.onset_strength(y, sr=sr,
...                                          aggregate=np.median)
>>> tempo, beats = librosa.beat.beat_track(onset_envelope=onset_env,
...                                        sr=sr)
>>> tempo
>>> beats[:20]
array([ 320,  357,  397,  436,  480,  525,  569,  609,  658,
        698,  737,  777,  817,  857,  896,  936,  976, 1016,
       1055, 1095])

Plot the beat events against the onset strength envelope

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> hop_length = 512
>>> plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
>>> times = librosa.times_like(onset_env, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length)
>>> plt.plot(times, librosa.util.normalize(onset_env),
...          label='Onset strength')
>>> plt.vlines(times[beats], 0, 1, alpha=0.5, color='r',
...            linestyle='--', label='Beats')
>>> plt.legend(frameon=True, framealpha=0.75)
>>> # Limit the plot to a 15-second window
>>> plt.xlim(15, 30)
>>> plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(librosa.display.TimeFormatter())
>>> plt.tight_layout()