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Feature extraction
Spectral features
Compute a chromagram from a waveform or power spectrogram. |
Constant-Q chromagram |
Computes the chroma variant "Chroma Energy Normalized" (CENS) |
Compute a mel-scaled spectrogram. |
Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) |
Compute root-mean-square (RMS) value for each frame, either from the audio samples |
Compute the spectral centroid. |
Compute p'th-order spectral bandwidth. |
Compute spectral contrast |
Compute spectral flatness |
Compute roll-off frequency. |
Get coefficients of fitting an nth-order polynomial to the columns of a spectrogram. |
Computes the tonal centroid features (tonnetz) |
Compute the zero-crossing rate of an audio time series. |
Rhythm features
Compute the tempogram: local autocorrelation of the onset strength envelope. |
Compute the Fourier tempogram: the short-time Fourier transform of the onset strength envelope. |
Feature manipulation
Compute delta features: local estimate of the derivative of the input data along the selected axis. |
Short-term history embedding: vertically concatenate a data vector or matrix with delayed copies of itself. |
Feature inversion
Approximate STFT magnitude from a Mel power spectrogram. |
Invert a mel power spectrogram to audio using Griffin-Lim. |
Invert Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients to approximate a Mel power spectrogram. |
Convert Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients to a time-domain audio signal |