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Source code for librosa.sequence

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Sequential modeling

Sequence alignment
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


Viterbi decoding
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


Transition matrices
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from numba import jit
from .util import pad_center, fill_off_diagonal, is_positive_int, tiny, expand_to
from .util.exceptions import ParameterError
from .filters import get_window
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, overload
from typing_extensions import Literal
from ._typing import _WindowSpec

__all__ = [

def dtw(
    X: np.ndarray,
    Y: np.ndarray,
    metric: str = ...,
    step_sizes_sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_add: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_mul: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    subseq: bool = ...,
    backtrack: Literal[False],
    global_constraints: bool = ...,
    band_rad: float = ...,
    return_steps: Literal[False] = ...,
) -> np.ndarray:

def dtw(
    C: np.ndarray,
    metric: str = ...,
    step_sizes_sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_add: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_mul: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    subseq: bool = ...,
    backtrack: Literal[False],
    global_constraints: bool = ...,
    band_rad: float = ...,
    return_steps: Literal[False] = ...,
) -> np.ndarray:

def dtw(
    X: np.ndarray,
    Y: np.ndarray,
    metric: str = ...,
    step_sizes_sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_add: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_mul: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    subseq: bool = ...,
    backtrack: Literal[False],
    global_constraints: bool = ...,
    band_rad: float = ...,
    return_steps: Literal[True],
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:

def dtw(
    C: np.ndarray,
    metric: str = ...,
    step_sizes_sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_add: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_mul: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    subseq: bool = ...,
    backtrack: Literal[False],
    global_constraints: bool = ...,
    band_rad: float = ...,
    return_steps: Literal[True],
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:

def dtw(
    X: np.ndarray,
    Y: np.ndarray,
    metric: str = ...,
    step_sizes_sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_add: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_mul: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    subseq: bool = ...,
    backtrack: Literal[True] = ...,
    global_constraints: bool = ...,
    band_rad: float = ...,
    return_steps: Literal[False] = ...,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:

def dtw(
    C: np.ndarray,
    metric: str = ...,
    step_sizes_sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_add: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_mul: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    subseq: bool = ...,
    backtrack: Literal[True] = ...,
    global_constraints: bool = ...,
    band_rad: float = ...,
    return_steps: Literal[False] = ...,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:

def dtw(
    X: np.ndarray,
    Y: np.ndarray,
    metric: str = ...,
    step_sizes_sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_add: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_mul: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    subseq: bool = ...,
    backtrack: Literal[True] = ...,
    global_constraints: bool = ...,
    band_rad: float = ...,
    return_steps: Literal[True],
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:

def dtw(
    C: np.ndarray,
    metric: str = ...,
    step_sizes_sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_add: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    weights_mul: Optional[np.ndarray] = ...,
    subseq: bool = ...,
    backtrack: Literal[True] = ...,
    global_constraints: bool = ...,
    band_rad: float = ...,
    return_steps: Literal[True],
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:

[docs]def dtw( X: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, Y: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, *, C: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, metric: str = "euclidean", step_sizes_sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, weights_add: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, weights_mul: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, subseq: bool = False, backtrack: bool = True, global_constraints: bool = False, band_rad: float = 0.25, return_steps: bool = False, ) -> Union[ np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] ]: """Dynamic time warping (DTW). This function performs a DTW and path backtracking on two sequences. We follow the nomenclature and algorithmic approach as described in [#]_. .. [#] Meinard Mueller Fundamentals of Music Processing — Audio, Analysis, Algorithms, Applications Springer Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-319-21944-8, 2015. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray [shape=(..., K, N)] audio feature matrix (e.g., chroma features) If ``X`` has more than two dimensions (e.g., for multi-channel inputs), all leading dimensions are used when computing distance to ``Y``. Y : np.ndarray [shape=(..., K, M)] audio feature matrix (e.g., chroma features) C : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] Precomputed distance matrix. If supplied, X and Y must not be supplied and ``metric`` will be ignored. metric : str Identifier for the cost-function as documented in `scipy.spatial.distance.cdist()` step_sizes_sigma : np.ndarray [shape=[n, 2]] Specifies allowed step sizes as used by the DTW. weights_add : np.ndarray [shape=[n, ]] Additive weights to penalize certain step sizes. weights_mul : np.ndarray [shape=[n, ]] Multiplicative weights to penalize certain step sizes. subseq : bool Enable subsequence DTW, e.g., for retrieval tasks. backtrack : bool Enable backtracking in accumulated cost matrix. global_constraints : bool Applies global constraints to the cost matrix ``C`` (Sakoe-Chiba band). band_rad : float The Sakoe-Chiba band radius (1/2 of the width) will be ``int(radius*min(C.shape))``. return_steps : bool If true, the function returns ``steps``, the step matrix, containing the indices of the used steps from the cost accumulation step. Returns ------- D : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] accumulated cost matrix. The value at the final index position ``D[-1, -1]`` is the total alignment cost. wp : np.ndarray [shape=(L, 2)] Warping path with index pairs. Each row of the array contains an index pair (n, m). Only returned when ``backtrack`` is True. Note that the length ``L`` of the warping path need not match the lengths of the input data, depending on the ``step_sizes_sigma`` values and ``subseq``. steps : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] Step matrix, containing the indices of the used steps from the cost accumulation step. Only returned when ``return_steps`` is True. Raises ------ ParameterError If you are doing diagonal matching and Y is shorter than X or if an incompatible combination of X, Y, and C are supplied. If your input dimensions are incompatible. If the cost matrix has NaN values. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex('brahms'), offset=10, duration=15) >>> X = librosa.feature.chroma_cens(y=y, sr=sr) >>> noise = np.random.rand(X.shape[0], 200) >>> Y = np.concatenate((noise, noise, X, noise), axis=1) >>> D, wp = librosa.sequence.dtw(X, Y, subseq=True) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True) >>> img = librosa.display.specshow(D, x_axis='frames', y_axis='frames', ... ax=ax[0]) >>> ax[0].set(title='DTW cost', xlabel='Noisy sequence', ylabel='Target') >>> ax[0].plot(wp[:, 1], wp[:, 0], label='Optimal path', color='y') >>> ax[0].legend() >>> fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax[0]) >>> ax[1].plot(D[-1, :] / wp.shape[0]) >>> ax[1].set(xlim=[0, Y.shape[1]], ylim=[0, 2], ... title='Matching cost function') """ # Default Parameters default_steps = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.uint32) default_weights_add = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) default_weights_mul = np.ones(3, dtype=np.float64) if step_sizes_sigma is None: # Use the default steps step_sizes_sigma = default_steps # Use default weights if none are provided if weights_add is None: weights_add = default_weights_add if weights_mul is None: weights_mul = default_weights_mul else: # If we have custom steps but no weights, construct them here if weights_add is None: weights_add = np.zeros(len(step_sizes_sigma), dtype=np.float64) if weights_mul is None: weights_mul = np.ones(len(step_sizes_sigma), dtype=np.float64) # Make the default step weights infinite so that they are never # preferred over custom steps default_weights_add.fill(np.inf) default_weights_mul.fill(np.inf) # Append custom steps and weights to our defaults step_sizes_sigma = np.concatenate((default_steps, step_sizes_sigma)) weights_add = np.concatenate((default_weights_add, weights_add)) weights_mul = np.concatenate((default_weights_mul, weights_mul)) # These asserts are bad, but mypy cannot trace the code paths properly assert step_sizes_sigma is not None assert weights_add is not None assert weights_mul is not None if np.any(step_sizes_sigma < 0): raise ParameterError("step_sizes_sigma cannot contain negative values") if len(step_sizes_sigma) != len(weights_add): raise ParameterError("len(weights_add) must be equal to len(step_sizes_sigma)") if len(step_sizes_sigma) != len(weights_mul): raise ParameterError("len(weights_mul) must be equal to len(step_sizes_sigma)") if C is None and (X is None or Y is None): raise ParameterError("If C is not supplied, both X and Y must be supplied") if C is not None and (X is not None or Y is not None): raise ParameterError("If C is supplied, both X and Y must not be supplied") c_is_transposed = False # calculate pair-wise distances, unless already supplied. # C_local will keep track of whether the distance matrix was supplied # by the user (False) or constructed locally (True) C_local = False if C is None: C_local = True # mypy can't figure out that this case does not happen assert X is not None and Y is not None # take care of dimensions X = np.atleast_2d(X) Y = np.atleast_2d(Y) # Perform some shape-squashing here # Put the time axes around front # Suppress types because mypy doesn't know these are ndarrays X = np.swapaxes(X, -1, 0) # type: ignore Y = np.swapaxes(Y, -1, 0) # type: ignore # Flatten the remaining dimensions # Use F-ordering to preserve columns X = X.reshape((X.shape[0], -1), order="F") Y = Y.reshape((Y.shape[0], -1), order="F") try: C = cdist(X, Y, metric=metric) except ValueError as exc: raise ParameterError( "scipy.spatial.distance.cdist returned an error.\n" "Please provide your input in the form X.shape=(K, N) " "and Y.shape=(K, M).\n 1-dimensional sequences should " "be reshaped to X.shape=(1, N) and Y.shape=(1, M)." ) from exc # for subsequence matching: # if N > M, Y can be a subsequence of X if subseq and (X.shape[0] > Y.shape[0]): C = C.T c_is_transposed = True C = np.atleast_2d(C) # if diagonal matching, Y has to be longer than X # (X simply cannot be contained in Y) if np.array_equal(step_sizes_sigma, np.array([[1, 1]])) and ( C.shape[0] > C.shape[1] ): raise ParameterError( "For diagonal matching: Y.shape[-1] >= X.shape[-11] " "(C.shape[1] >= C.shape[0])" ) max_0 = step_sizes_sigma[:, 0].max() max_1 = step_sizes_sigma[:, 1].max() # check C here for nans before building global constraints if np.any(np.isnan(C)): raise ParameterError("DTW cost matrix C has NaN values. ") if global_constraints: # Apply global constraints to the cost matrix if not C_local: # If C was provided as input, make a copy here C = np.copy(C) fill_off_diagonal(C, radius=band_rad, value=np.inf) # initialize whole matrix with infinity values D = np.ones(C.shape + np.array([max_0, max_1])) * np.inf # set starting point to C[0, 0] D[max_0, max_1] = C[0, 0] if subseq: D[max_0, max_1:] = C[0, :] # initialize step matrix with -1 # will be filled in calc_accu_cost() with indices from step_sizes_sigma steps = np.zeros(D.shape, dtype=np.int32) # these steps correspond to left- (first row) and up-(first column) moves steps[0, :] = 1 steps[:, 0] = 2 # calculate accumulated cost matrix D: np.ndarray steps: np.ndarray D, steps = __dtw_calc_accu_cost( C, D, steps, step_sizes_sigma, weights_mul, weights_add, max_0, max_1 ) # delete infinity rows and columns D = D[max_0:, max_1:] steps = steps[max_0:, max_1:] return_values: List[np.ndarray] if backtrack: wp: np.ndarray if subseq: if np.all(np.isinf(D[-1])): raise ParameterError( "No valid sub-sequence warping path could " "be constructed with the given step sizes." ) start = np.argmin(D[-1, :]) _wp = __dtw_backtracking(steps, step_sizes_sigma, subseq, start) else: # perform warping path backtracking if np.isinf(D[-1, -1]): raise ParameterError( "No valid sub-sequence warping path could " "be constructed with the given step sizes." ) _wp = __dtw_backtracking(steps, step_sizes_sigma, subseq) if _wp[-1] != (0, 0): raise ParameterError( "Unable to compute a full DTW warping path. " "You may want to try again with subseq=True." ) wp = np.asarray(_wp, dtype=int) # since we transposed in the beginning, we have to adjust the index pairs back if subseq and ( (X is not None and Y is not None and X.shape[0] > Y.shape[0]) or c_is_transposed or C.shape[0] > C.shape[1] ): wp = np.fliplr(wp) return_values = [D, wp] else: return_values = [D] if return_steps: return_values.append(steps) if len(return_values) > 1: # Suppressing type check here because mypy can't # infer the exact length of the tuple return tuple(return_values) # type: ignore else: return return_values[0]
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) # type: ignore def __dtw_calc_accu_cost( C: np.ndarray, D: np.ndarray, steps: np.ndarray, step_sizes_sigma: np.ndarray, weights_mul: np.ndarray, weights_add: np.ndarray, max_0: int, max_1: int, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: # pragma: no cover """Calculate the accumulated cost matrix D. Use dynamic programming to calculate the accumulated costs. Parameters ---------- C : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] pre-computed cost matrix D : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] accumulated cost matrix steps : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] Step matrix, containing the indices of the used steps from the cost accumulation step. step_sizes_sigma : np.ndarray [shape=[n, 2]] Specifies allowed step sizes as used by the dtw. weights_add : np.ndarray [shape=[n, ]] Additive weights to penalize certain step sizes. weights_mul : np.ndarray [shape=[n, ]] Multiplicative weights to penalize certain step sizes. max_0 : int maximum number of steps in step_sizes_sigma in dim 0. max_1 : int maximum number of steps in step_sizes_sigma in dim 1. Returns ------- D : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] accumulated cost matrix. D[N, M] is the total alignment cost. When doing subsequence DTW, D[N,:] indicates a matching function. steps : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] Step matrix, containing the indices of the used steps from the cost accumulation step. See Also -------- dtw """ for cur_n in range(max_0, D.shape[0]): for cur_m in range(max_1, D.shape[1]): # accumulate costs for cur_step_idx, cur_w_add, cur_w_mul in zip( range(step_sizes_sigma.shape[0]), weights_add, weights_mul ): cur_D = D[ cur_n - step_sizes_sigma[cur_step_idx, 0], cur_m - step_sizes_sigma[cur_step_idx, 1], ] cur_C = cur_w_mul * C[cur_n - max_0, cur_m - max_1] cur_C += cur_w_add cur_cost = cur_D + cur_C # check if cur_cost is smaller than the one stored in D if cur_cost < D[cur_n, cur_m]: D[cur_n, cur_m] = cur_cost # save step-index steps[cur_n, cur_m] = cur_step_idx return D, steps @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) # type: ignore def __dtw_backtracking( steps: np.ndarray, step_sizes_sigma: np.ndarray, subseq: bool, start: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: # pragma: no cover """Backtrack optimal warping path. Uses the saved step sizes from the cost accumulation step to backtrack the index pairs for an optimal warping path. Parameters ---------- steps : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] Step matrix, containing the indices of the used steps from the cost accumulation step. step_sizes_sigma : np.ndarray [shape=[n, 2]] Specifies allowed step sizes as used by the dtw. subseq : bool Enable subsequence DTW, e.g., for retrieval tasks. start : int Start column index for backtraing (only allowed for ``subseq=True``) Returns ------- wp : list [shape=(N,)] Warping path with index pairs. Each list entry contains an index pair (n, m) as a tuple See Also -------- dtw """ if start is None: cur_idx = (steps.shape[0] - 1, steps.shape[1] - 1) else: cur_idx = (steps.shape[0] - 1, start) wp = [] # Set starting point D(N, M) and append it to the path wp.append((cur_idx[0], cur_idx[1])) # Loop backwards. # Stop criteria: # Setting it to (0, 0) does not work for the subsequence dtw, # so we only ask to reach the first row of the matrix. while (subseq and cur_idx[0] > 0) or (not subseq and cur_idx != (0, 0)): cur_step_idx = steps[(cur_idx[0], cur_idx[1])] # save tuple with minimal acc. cost in path cur_idx = ( cur_idx[0] - step_sizes_sigma[cur_step_idx][0], cur_idx[1] - step_sizes_sigma[cur_step_idx][1], ) # If we run off the side of the cost matrix, break here if min(cur_idx) < 0: break # append to warping path wp.append((cur_idx[0], cur_idx[1])) return wp def dtw_backtracking( steps: np.ndarray, *, step_sizes_sigma: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, subseq: bool = False, start: Optional[Union[int, np.integer[Any]]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Backtrack a warping path. Uses the saved step sizes from the cost accumulation step to backtrack the index pairs for a warping path. Parameters ---------- steps : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] Step matrix, containing the indices of the used steps from the cost accumulation step. step_sizes_sigma : np.ndarray [shape=[n, 2]] Specifies allowed step sizes as used by the dtw. subseq : bool Enable subsequence DTW, e.g., for retrieval tasks. start : int Start column index for backtraing (only allowed for ``subseq=True``) Returns ------- wp : list [shape=(N,)] Warping path with index pairs. Each list entry contains an index pair (n, m) as a tuple See Also -------- dtw """ if subseq is False and start is not None: raise ParameterError( f"start is only allowed to be set if subseq is True (start={start}, subseq={subseq})" ) # Default Parameters default_steps = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.uint32) if step_sizes_sigma is None: # Use the default steps step_sizes_sigma = default_steps else: # Append custom steps and weights to our defaults step_sizes_sigma = np.concatenate((default_steps, step_sizes_sigma)) wp = __dtw_backtracking(steps, step_sizes_sigma, subseq, start) return np.asarray(wp, dtype=int) @overload def rqa( sim: np.ndarray, *, gap_onset: float = ..., gap_extend: float = ..., knight_moves: bool = ..., backtrack: Literal[False], ) -> np.ndarray: ... @overload def rqa( sim: np.ndarray, *, gap_onset: float = ..., gap_extend: float = ..., knight_moves: bool = ..., backtrack: Literal[True] = ..., ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ... @overload def rqa( sim: np.ndarray, *, gap_onset: float = ..., gap_extend: float = ..., knight_moves: bool = ..., backtrack: bool = ..., ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: ...
[docs]def rqa( sim: np.ndarray, *, gap_onset: float = 1, gap_extend: float = 1, knight_moves: bool = True, backtrack: bool = True, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) This function implements different forms of RQA as described by Serra, Serra, and Andrzejak (SSA). [#]_ These methods take as input a self- or cross-similarity matrix ``sim``, and calculate the value of path alignments by dynamic programming. Note that unlike dynamic time warping (`dtw`), alignment paths here are maximized, not minimized, so the input should measure similarity rather than distance. The simplest RQA method, denoted as `L` (SSA equation 3) and equivalent to the method described by Eckman, Kamphorst, and Ruelle [#]_, accumulates the length of diagonal paths with positive values in the input: - ``score[i, j] = score[i-1, j-1] + 1`` if ``sim[i, j] > 0`` - ``score[i, j] = 0`` otherwise. The second method, denoted as `S` (SSA equation 4), is similar to the first, but allows for "knight moves" (as in the chess piece) in addition to strict diagonal moves: - ``score[i, j] = max(score[i-1, j-1], score[i-2, j-1], score[i-1, j-2]) + 1`` if ``sim[i, j] > 0`` - ``score[i, j] = 0`` otherwise. The third method, denoted as `Q` (SSA equations 5 and 6) extends this by allowing gaps in the alignment that incur some cost, rather than a hard reset to 0 whenever ``sim[i, j] == 0``. Gaps are penalized by two additional parameters, ``gap_onset`` and ``gap_extend``, which are subtracted from the value of the alignment path every time a gap is introduced or extended (respectively). Note that setting ``gap_onset`` and ``gap_extend`` to `np.inf` recovers the second method, and disabling knight moves recovers the first. .. [#] Serrà, Joan, Xavier Serra, and Ralph G. Andrzejak. "Cross recurrence quantification for cover song identification." New Journal of Physics 11, no. 9 (2009): 093017. .. [#] Eckmann, J. P., S. Oliffson Kamphorst, and D. Ruelle. "Recurrence plots of dynamical systems." World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series A 16 (1995): 441-446. Parameters ---------- sim : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M), non-negative] The similarity matrix to use as input. This can either be a recurrence matrix (self-similarity) or a cross-similarity matrix between two sequences. gap_onset : float > 0 Penalty for introducing a gap to an alignment sequence gap_extend : float > 0 Penalty for extending a gap in an alignment sequence knight_moves : bool If ``True`` (default), allow for "knight moves" in the alignment, e.g., ``(n, m) => (n + 1, m + 2)`` or ``(n + 2, m + 1)``. If ``False``, only allow for diagonal moves ``(n, m) => (n + 1, m + 1)``. backtrack : bool If ``True``, return the alignment path. If ``False``, only return the score matrix. Returns ------- score : np.ndarray [shape=(N, M)] The alignment score matrix. ``score[n, m]`` is the cumulative value of the best alignment sequence ending in frames ``n`` and ``m``. path : np.ndarray [shape=(k, 2)] (optional) If ``backtrack=True``, ``path`` contains a list of pairs of aligned frames in the best alignment sequence. ``path[i] = [n, m]`` indicates that row ``n`` aligns to column ``m``. See Also -------- librosa.segment.recurrence_matrix librosa.segment.cross_similarity dtw Examples -------- Simple diagonal path enhancement (L-mode) >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex('nutcracker'), duration=30) >>> chroma = librosa.feature.chroma_cqt(y=y, sr=sr) >>> # Use time-delay embedding to reduce noise >>> chroma_stack = librosa.feature.stack_memory(chroma, n_steps=10, delay=3) >>> # Build recurrence, suppress self-loops within 1 second >>> rec = librosa.segment.recurrence_matrix(chroma_stack, width=43, ... mode='affinity', ... metric='cosine') >>> # using infinite cost for gaps enforces strict path continuation >>> L_score, L_path = librosa.sequence.rqa(rec, ... gap_onset=np.inf, ... gap_extend=np.inf, ... knight_moves=False) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2) >>> librosa.display.specshow(rec, x_axis='frames', y_axis='frames', ax=ax[0]) >>> ax[0].set(title='Recurrence matrix') >>> librosa.display.specshow(L_score, x_axis='frames', y_axis='frames', ax=ax[1]) >>> ax[1].set(title='Alignment score matrix') >>> ax[1].plot(L_path[:, 1], L_path[:, 0], label='Optimal path', color='c') >>> ax[1].legend() >>> ax[1].label_outer() Full alignment using gaps and knight moves >>> # New gaps cost 5, extending old gaps cost 10 for each step >>> score, path = librosa.sequence.rqa(rec, gap_onset=5, gap_extend=10) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True) >>> librosa.display.specshow(rec, x_axis='frames', y_axis='frames', ax=ax[0]) >>> ax[0].set(title='Recurrence matrix') >>> librosa.display.specshow(score, x_axis='frames', y_axis='frames', ax=ax[1]) >>> ax[1].set(title='Alignment score matrix') >>> ax[1].plot(path[:, 1], path[:, 0], label='Optimal path', color='c') >>> ax[1].legend() >>> ax[1].label_outer() """ if gap_onset < 0: raise ParameterError("gap_onset={} must be strictly positive") if gap_extend < 0: raise ParameterError("gap_extend={} must be strictly positive") score: np.ndarray pointers: np.ndarray score, pointers = __rqa_dp(sim, gap_onset, gap_extend, knight_moves) if backtrack: path = __rqa_backtrack(score, pointers) return score, path return score
@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) # type: ignore def __rqa_dp( sim: np.ndarray, gap_onset: float, gap_extend: float, knight: bool ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: # pragma: no cover """RQA dynamic programming implementation""" # The output array score = np.zeros(sim.shape, dtype=sim.dtype) # The backtracking array backtrack = np.zeros(sim.shape, dtype=np.int8) # These are place-holder arrays to limit the points being considered # at each step of the DP # # If knight moves are enabled, values are indexed according to # [(-1,-1), (-1, -2), (-2, -1)] # # If knight moves are disabled, then only the first entry is used. # # Using placeholder vectors here makes the code a bit cleaner down below. sim_values = np.zeros(3) score_values = np.zeros(3) vec = np.zeros(3) if knight: # Initial limit is for the base case: diagonal + one knight init_limit = 2 # Otherwise, we have 3 positions limit = 3 else: init_limit = 1 limit = 1 # backtracking rubric: # 0 ==> diagonal move # 1 ==> knight move up # 2 ==> knight move left # -1 ==> reset without inclusion # -2 ==> reset with inclusion (ie positive value at init) # Initialize the first row and column with the data score[0, :] = sim[0, :] score[:, 0] = sim[:, 0] # backtracking initialization: the first row and column are all resets # if there's a positive link here, it's an inclusive reset for i in range(sim.shape[0]): if sim[i, 0]: backtrack[i, 0] = -2 else: backtrack[i, 0] = -1 for j in range(sim.shape[1]): if sim[0, j]: backtrack[0, j] = -2 else: backtrack[0, j] = -1 # Initialize the 1-1 case using only the diagonal if sim[1, 1] > 0: score[1, 1] = score[0, 0] + sim[1, 1] backtrack[1, 1] = 0 else: link = sim[0, 0] > 0 score[1, 1] = max(0, score[0, 0] - (link) * gap_onset - (~link) * gap_extend) if score[1, 1] > 0: backtrack[1, 1] = 0 else: backtrack[1, 1] = -1 # Initialize the second row with diagonal and left-knight moves i = 1 for j in range(2, sim.shape[1]): score_values[:-1] = (score[i - 1, j - 1], score[i - 1, j - 2]) sim_values[:-1] = (sim[i - 1, j - 1], sim[i - 1, j - 2]) t_values = sim_values > 0 if sim[i, j] > 0: backtrack[i, j] = np.argmax(score_values[:init_limit]) score[i, j] = score_values[backtrack[i, j]] + sim[i, j] # or + 1 for binary else: vec[:init_limit] = ( score_values[:init_limit] - t_values[:init_limit] * gap_onset - (~t_values[:init_limit]) * gap_extend ) backtrack[i, j] = np.argmax(vec[:init_limit]) score[i, j] = max(0, vec[backtrack[i, j]]) # Is it a reset? if score[i, j] == 0: backtrack[i, j] = -1 # Initialize the second column with diagonal and up-knight moves j = 1 for i in range(2, sim.shape[0]): score_values[:-1] = (score[i - 1, j - 1], score[i - 2, j - 1]) sim_values[:-1] = (sim[i - 1, j - 1], sim[i - 2, j - 1]) t_values = sim_values > 0 if sim[i, j] > 0: backtrack[i, j] = np.argmax(score_values[:init_limit]) score[i, j] = score_values[backtrack[i, j]] + sim[i, j] # or + 1 for binary else: vec[:init_limit] = ( score_values[:init_limit] - t_values[:init_limit] * gap_onset - (~t_values[:init_limit]) * gap_extend ) backtrack[i, j] = np.argmax(vec[:init_limit]) score[i, j] = max(0, vec[backtrack[i, j]]) # Is it a reset? if score[i, j] == 0: backtrack[i, j] = -1 # Now fill in the rest of the table for i in range(2, sim.shape[0]): for j in range(2, sim.shape[1]): score_values[:] = ( score[i - 1, j - 1], score[i - 1, j - 2], score[i - 2, j - 1], ) sim_values[:] = (sim[i - 1, j - 1], sim[i - 1, j - 2], sim[i - 2, j - 1]) t_values = sim_values > 0 if sim[i, j] > 0: # if knight is true, it's max of (-1,-1), (-1, -2), (-2, -1) # otherwise, it's just the diagonal move (-1, -1) # for backtracking purposes, if the max is 0 then it's the start of a new sequence # if the max is non-zero, then we extend the existing sequence backtrack[i, j] = np.argmax(score_values[:limit]) score[i, j] = ( score_values[backtrack[i, j]] + sim[i, j] ) # or + 1 for binary else: # if the max of our options is negative, then it's a hard reset # otherwise, it's a skip move vec[:limit] = ( score_values[:limit] - t_values[:limit] * gap_onset - (~t_values[:limit]) * gap_extend ) backtrack[i, j] = np.argmax(vec[:limit]) score[i, j] = max(0, vec[backtrack[i, j]]) # Is it a reset? if score[i, j] == 0: backtrack[i, j] = -1 return score, backtrack def __rqa_backtrack(score, pointers): """RQA path backtracking Given the score matrix and backtracking index array, reconstruct the optimal path. """ # backtracking rubric: # 0 ==> diagonal move # 1 ==> knight move up # 2 ==> knight move left # -1 ==> reset (sim = 0) # -2 ==> start of sequence (sim > 0) # This array maps the backtracking values to the # relative index offsets offsets = [(-1, -1), (-1, -2), (-2, -1)] # Find the maximum to end the path idx = list(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(score), score.shape)) # Construct the path path: List = [] while True: bt_index = pointers[tuple(idx)] # A -1 indicates a non-inclusive reset # this can only happen when sim[idx] == 0, # and a reset with zero score should not be included # in the path. In this case, we're done. if bt_index == -1: break # Other bt_index values are okay for inclusion path.insert(0, idx) # -2 indicates beginning of sequence, # so we can't backtrack any further if bt_index == -2: break # Otherwise, prepend this index and continue idx = [idx[_] + offsets[bt_index][_] for _ in range(len(idx))] # If there's no alignment path at all, eg an empty cross-similarity # matrix, return a properly shaped and typed array if not path: return np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.uint) return np.asarray(path, dtype=np.uint) @jit(nopython=True, cache=True) # type: ignore def _viterbi( log_prob: np.ndarray, log_trans: np.ndarray, log_p_init: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: # pragma: no cover """Core Viterbi algorithm. This is intended for internal use only. Parameters ---------- log_prob : np.ndarray [shape=(T, m)] ``log_prob[t, s]`` is the conditional log-likelihood ``log P[X = X(t) | State(t) = s]`` log_trans : np.ndarray [shape=(m, m)] The log transition matrix ``log_trans[i, j] = log P[State(t+1) = j | State(t) = i]`` log_p_init : np.ndarray [shape=(m,)] log of the initial state distribution Returns ------- None All computations are performed in-place on ``state, value, ptr``. """ n_steps, n_states = log_prob.shape state = np.zeros(n_steps, dtype=np.uint16) value = np.zeros((n_steps, n_states), dtype=np.float64) ptr = np.zeros((n_steps, n_states), dtype=np.uint16) # factor in initial state distribution value[0] = log_prob[0] + log_p_init for t in range(1, n_steps): # Want V[t, j] <- p[t, j] * max_k V[t-1, k] * A[k, j] # assume at time t-1 we were in state k # transition k -> j # Broadcast over rows: # Tout[k, j] = V[t-1, k] * A[k, j] # then take the max over columns # We'll do this in log-space for stability trans_out = value[t - 1] + log_trans.T # Unroll the max/argmax loop to enable numba support for j in range(n_states): ptr[t, j] = np.argmax(trans_out[j]) # value[t, j] = log_prob[t, j] + np.max(trans_out[j]) value[t, j] = log_prob[t, j] + trans_out[j, ptr[t][j]] # Now roll backward # Get the last state state[-1] = np.argmax(value[-1]) for t in range(n_steps - 2, -1, -1): state[t] = ptr[t + 1, state[t + 1]] logp = value[-1:, state[-1]] return state, logp @overload def viterbi( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., return_logp: Literal[True], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ... @overload def viterbi( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., return_logp: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> np.ndarray: ...
[docs]def viterbi( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, return_logp: bool = False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Viterbi decoding from observation likelihoods. Given a sequence of observation likelihoods ``prob[s, t]``, indicating the conditional likelihood of seeing the observation at time ``t`` from state ``s``, and a transition matrix ``transition[i, j]`` which encodes the conditional probability of moving from state ``i`` to state ``j``, the Viterbi algorithm [#]_ computes the most likely sequence of states from the observations. .. [#] Viterbi, Andrew. "Error bounds for convolutional codes and an asymptotically optimum decoding algorithm." IEEE transactions on Information Theory 13.2 (1967): 260-269. Parameters ---------- prob : np.ndarray [shape=(..., n_states, n_steps), non-negative] ``prob[..., s, t]`` is the probability of observation at time ``t`` being generated by state ``s``. transition : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states, n_states), non-negative] ``transition[i, j]`` is the probability of a transition from i->j. Each row must sum to 1. p_init : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states,)] Optional: initial state distribution. If not provided, a uniform distribution is assumed. return_logp : bool If ``True``, return the log-likelihood of the state sequence. Returns ------- Either ``states`` or ``(states, logp)``: states : np.ndarray [shape=(..., n_steps,)] The most likely state sequence. If ``prob`` contains multiple channels of input, then each channel is decoded independently. logp : scalar [float] or np.ndarray If ``return_logp=True``, the log probability of ``states`` given the observations. See Also -------- viterbi_discriminative : Viterbi decoding from state likelihoods Examples -------- Example from In this example, we have two states ``healthy`` and ``fever``, with initial probabilities 60% and 40%. We have three observation possibilities: ``normal``, ``cold``, and ``dizzy``, whose probabilities given each state are: ``healthy => {normal: 50%, cold: 40%, dizzy: 10%}`` and ``fever => {normal: 10%, cold: 30%, dizzy: 60%}`` Finally, we have transition probabilities: ``healthy => healthy (70%)`` and ``fever => fever (60%)``. Over three days, we observe the sequence ``[normal, cold, dizzy]``, and wish to know the maximum likelihood assignment of states for the corresponding days, which we compute with the Viterbi algorithm below. >>> p_init = np.array([0.6, 0.4]) >>> p_emit = np.array([[0.5, 0.4, 0.1], ... [0.1, 0.3, 0.6]]) >>> p_trans = np.array([[0.7, 0.3], [0.4, 0.6]]) >>> path, logp = librosa.sequence.viterbi(p_emit, p_trans, p_init=p_init, ... return_logp=True) >>> print(logp, path) -4.19173690823075 [0 0 1] """ n_states, n_steps = prob.shape[-2:] if transition.shape != (n_states, n_states): raise ParameterError( f"transition.shape={transition.shape}, must be " f"(n_states, n_states)={n_states, n_states}" ) if np.any(transition < 0) or not np.allclose(transition.sum(axis=1), 1): raise ParameterError( "Invalid transition matrix: must be non-negative " "and sum to 1 on each row." ) if np.any(prob < 0) or np.any(prob > 1): raise ParameterError("Invalid probability values: must be between 0 and 1.") # Compute log-likelihoods while avoiding log-underflow epsilon = tiny(prob) if p_init is None: p_init = np.empty(n_states) p_init.fill(1.0 / n_states) elif ( np.any(p_init < 0) or not np.allclose(p_init.sum(), 1) or p_init.shape != (n_states,) ): raise ParameterError(f"Invalid initial state distribution: p_init={p_init}") log_trans = np.log(transition + epsilon) log_prob = np.log(prob + epsilon) log_p_init = np.log(p_init + epsilon) def _helper(lp): # Transpose input _state, logp = _viterbi(lp.T, log_trans, log_p_init) # Transpose outputs for return return _state.T, logp states: np.ndarray logp: np.ndarray if log_prob.ndim == 2: states, logp = _helper(log_prob) else: # Vectorize the helper __viterbi = np.vectorize( _helper, otypes=[np.uint16, np.float64], signature="(s,t)->(t),(1)" ) states, logp = __viterbi(log_prob) # Flatten out the trailing dimension introduced by vectorization logp = logp[..., 0] if return_logp: return states, logp return states
@overload def viterbi_discriminative( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., return_logp: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> np.ndarray: ... @overload def viterbi_discriminative( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., return_logp: Literal[True], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ... @overload def viterbi_discriminative( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., return_logp: bool, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: ...
[docs]def viterbi_discriminative( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, return_logp: bool = False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Viterbi decoding from discriminative state predictions. Given a sequence of conditional state predictions ``prob[s, t]``, indicating the conditional likelihood of state ``s`` given the observation at time ``t``, and a transition matrix ``transition[i, j]`` which encodes the conditional probability of moving from state ``i`` to state ``j``, the Viterbi algorithm computes the most likely sequence of states from the observations. This implementation uses the standard Viterbi decoding algorithm for observation likelihood sequences, under the assumption that ``P[Obs(t) | State(t) = s]`` is proportional to ``P[State(t) = s | Obs(t)] / P[State(t) = s]``, where the denominator is the marginal probability of state ``s`` occurring as given by ``p_state``. Note that because the denominator ``P[State(t) = s]`` is not explicitly calculated, the resulting probabilities (or log-probabilities) are not normalized. If using the `return_logp=True` option (see below), be aware that the "probabilities" may not sum to (and may exceed) 1. Parameters ---------- prob : np.ndarray [shape=(..., n_states, n_steps), non-negative] ``prob[s, t]`` is the probability of state ``s`` conditional on the observation at time ``t``. Must be non-negative and sum to 1 along each column. transition : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states, n_states), non-negative] ``transition[i, j]`` is the probability of a transition from i->j. Each row must sum to 1. p_state : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states,)] Optional: marginal probability distribution over states, must be non-negative and sum to 1. If not provided, a uniform distribution is assumed. p_init : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states,)] Optional: initial state distribution. If not provided, it is assumed to be uniform. return_logp : bool If ``True``, return the log-likelihood of the state sequence. Returns ------- Either ``states`` or ``(states, logp)``: states : np.ndarray [shape=(..., n_steps,)] The most likely state sequence. If ``prob`` contains multiple input channels, then each channel is decoded independently. logp : scalar [float] or np.ndarray If ``return_logp=True``, the (unnormalized) log probability of ``states`` given the observations. See Also -------- viterbi : Viterbi decoding from observation likelihoods viterbi_binary : Viterbi decoding for multi-label, conditional state likelihoods Examples -------- This example constructs a simple, template-based discriminative chord estimator, using CENS chroma as input features. .. note:: this chord model is not accurate enough to use in practice. It is only intended to demonstrate how to use discriminative Viterbi decoding. >>> # Create templates for major, minor, and no-chord qualities >>> maj_template = np.array([1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,0]) >>> min_template = np.array([1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,0]) >>> N_template = np.array([1,1,1, 1,1,1, 1,1,1, 1,1,1.]) / 4. >>> # Generate the weighting matrix that maps chroma to labels >>> weights = np.zeros((25, 12), dtype=float) >>> labels = ['C:maj', 'C#:maj', 'D:maj', 'D#:maj', 'E:maj', 'F:maj', ... 'F#:maj', 'G:maj', 'G#:maj', 'A:maj', 'A#:maj', 'B:maj', ... 'C:min', 'C#:min', 'D:min', 'D#:min', 'E:min', 'F:min', ... 'F#:min', 'G:min', 'G#:min', 'A:min', 'A#:min', 'B:min', ... 'N'] >>> for c in range(12): ... weights[c, :] = np.roll(maj_template, c) # c:maj ... weights[c + 12, :] = np.roll(min_template, c) # c:min >>> weights[-1] = N_template # the last row is the no-chord class >>> # Make a self-loop transition matrix over 25 states >>> trans = librosa.sequence.transition_loop(25, 0.9) >>> # Load in audio and make features >>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex('nutcracker'), duration=15) >>> # Suppress percussive elements >>> y = librosa.effects.harmonic(y, margin=4) >>> chroma = librosa.feature.chroma_cqt(y=y, sr=sr) >>> # Map chroma (observations) to class (state) likelihoods >>> probs = np.exp( # P[class | chroma] ~= exp(template' chroma) >>> probs /= probs.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True) # probabilities must sum to 1 in each column >>> # Compute independent frame-wise estimates >>> chords_ind = np.argmax(probs, axis=0) >>> # And viterbi estimates >>> chords_vit = librosa.sequence.viterbi_discriminative(probs, trans) >>> # Plot the features and prediction map >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2) >>> librosa.display.specshow(chroma, x_axis='time', y_axis='chroma', ax=ax[0]) >>> librosa.display.specshow(weights, x_axis='chroma', ax=ax[1]) >>> ax[1].set(yticks=np.arange(25) + 0.5, yticklabels=labels, ylabel='Chord') >>> # And plot the results >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> librosa.display.specshow(probs, x_axis='time', cmap='gray', ax=ax) >>> times = librosa.times_like(chords_vit) >>> ax.scatter(times, chords_ind + 0.25, color='lime', alpha=0.5, marker='+', ... s=15, label='Independent') >>> ax.scatter(times, chords_vit - 0.25, color='deeppink', alpha=0.5, marker='o', ... s=15, label='Viterbi') >>> ax.set(yticks=np.unique(chords_vit), ... yticklabels=[labels[i] for i in np.unique(chords_vit)]) >>> ax.legend() """ n_states, n_steps = prob.shape[-2:] if transition.shape != (n_states, n_states): raise ParameterError( f"transition.shape={transition.shape}, must be " f"(n_states, n_states)={n_states, n_states}" ) if np.any(transition < 0) or not np.allclose(transition.sum(axis=1), 1): raise ParameterError( "Invalid transition matrix: must be non-negative " "and sum to 1 on each row." ) if np.any(prob < 0) or not np.allclose(prob.sum(axis=-2), 1): raise ParameterError( "Invalid probability values: each column must " "sum to 1 and be non-negative" ) # Compute log-likelihoods while avoiding log-underflow epsilon = tiny(prob) # Compute marginal log probabilities while avoiding underflow if p_state is None: p_state = np.empty(n_states) p_state.fill(1.0 / n_states) elif p_state.shape != (n_states,): raise ParameterError( "Marginal distribution p_state must have shape (n_states,). " f"Got p_state.shape={p_state.shape}" ) elif np.any(p_state < 0) or not np.allclose(p_state.sum(axis=-1), 1): raise ParameterError(f"Invalid marginal state distribution: p_state={p_state}") if p_init is None: p_init = np.empty(n_states) p_init.fill(1.0 / n_states) elif ( np.any(p_init < 0) or not np.allclose(p_init.sum(), 1) or p_init.shape != (n_states,) ): raise ParameterError(f"Invalid initial state distribution: p_init={p_init}") # By Bayes' rule, P[X | Y] * P[Y] = P[Y | X] * P[X] # P[X] is constant for the sake of maximum likelihood inference # and P[Y] is given by the marginal distribution p_state. # # So we have P[X | y] \propto P[Y | x] / P[Y] # if X = observation and Y = states, this can be done in log space as # log P[X | y] \propto \log P[Y | x] - \log P[Y] log_p_init = np.log(p_init + epsilon) log_trans = np.log(transition + epsilon) log_marginal = np.log(p_state + epsilon) # reshape to broadcast against prob log_marginal = expand_to(log_marginal, ndim=prob.ndim, axes=-2) log_prob = np.log(prob + epsilon) - log_marginal def _helper(lp): # Transpose input _state, logp = _viterbi(lp.T, log_trans, log_p_init) # Transpose outputs for return return _state.T, logp states: np.ndarray logp: np.ndarray if log_prob.ndim == 2: states, logp = _helper(log_prob) else: # Vectorize the helper __viterbi = np.vectorize( _helper, otypes=[np.uint16, np.float64], signature="(s,t)->(t),(1)" ) states, logp = __viterbi(log_prob) # Flatten out the trailing dimension logp = logp[..., 0] if return_logp: return states, logp return states
@overload def viterbi_binary( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., return_logp: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> np.ndarray: ... @overload def viterbi_binary( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., return_logp: Literal[True], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ... @overload def viterbi_binary( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = ..., return_logp: bool = ..., ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: ...
[docs]def viterbi_binary( prob: np.ndarray, transition: np.ndarray, *, p_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, p_init: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, return_logp: bool = False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Viterbi decoding from binary (multi-label), discriminative state predictions. Given a sequence of conditional state predictions ``prob[s, t]``, indicating the conditional likelihood of state ``s`` being active conditional on observation at time ``t``, and a 2*2 transition matrix ``transition`` which encodes the conditional probability of moving from state ``s`` to state ``~s`` (not-``s``), the Viterbi algorithm computes the most likely sequence of states from the observations. This function differs from `viterbi_discriminative` in that it does not assume the states to be mutually exclusive. `viterbi_binary` is implemented by transforming the multi-label decoding problem to a collection of binary Viterbi problems (one for each *state* or label). The output is a binary matrix ``states[s, t]`` indicating whether each state ``s`` is active at time ``t``. Like `viterbi_discriminative`, the probabilities of the optimal state sequences are not normalized here. If using the `return_logp=True` option (see below), be aware that the "probabilities" may not sum to (and may exceed) 1. Parameters ---------- prob : np.ndarray [shape=(..., n_steps,) or (..., n_states, n_steps)], non-negative ``prob[s, t]`` is the probability of state ``s`` being active conditional on the observation at time ``t``. Must be non-negative and less than 1. If ``prob`` is 1-dimensional, it is expanded to shape ``(1, n_steps)``. If ``prob`` contains multiple input channels, then each channel is decoded independently. transition : np.ndarray [shape=(2, 2) or (n_states, 2, 2)], non-negative If 2-dimensional, the same transition matrix is applied to each sub-problem. ``transition[0, i]`` is the probability of the state going from inactive to ``i``, ``transition[1, i]`` is the probability of the state going from active to ``i``. Each row must sum to 1. If 3-dimensional, ``transition[s]`` is interpreted as the 2x2 transition matrix for state label ``s``. p_state : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states,)] Optional: marginal probability for each state (between [0,1]). If not provided, a uniform distribution (0.5 for each state) is assumed. p_init : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states,)] Optional: initial state distribution. If not provided, it is assumed to be uniform. return_logp : bool If ``True``, return the (unnormalized) log-likelihood of the state sequences. Returns ------- Either ``states`` or ``(states, logp)``: states : np.ndarray [shape=(..., n_states, n_steps)] The most likely state sequence. logp : np.ndarray [shape=(..., n_states,)] If ``return_logp=True``, the (unnormalized) log probability of each state activation sequence ``states`` See Also -------- viterbi : Viterbi decoding from observation likelihoods viterbi_discriminative : Viterbi decoding for discriminative (mutually exclusive) state predictions Examples -------- In this example, we have a sequence of binary state likelihoods that we want to de-noise under the assumption that state changes are relatively uncommon. Positive predictions should only be retained if they persist for multiple steps, and any transient predictions should be considered as errors. This use case arises frequently in problems such as instrument recognition, where state activations tend to be stable over time, but subject to abrupt changes (e.g., when an instrument joins the mix). We assume that the 0 state has a self-transition probability of 90%, and the 1 state has a self-transition probability of 70%. We assume the marginal and initial probability of either state is 50%. >>> trans = np.array([[0.9, 0.1], [0.3, 0.7]]) >>> prob = np.array([0.1, 0.7, 0.4, 0.3, 0.8, 0.9, 0.8, 0.2, 0.6, 0.3]) >>> librosa.sequence.viterbi_binary(prob, trans, p_state=0.5, p_init=0.5) array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]]) """ prob = np.atleast_2d(prob) n_states, n_steps = prob.shape[-2:] if transition.shape == (2, 2): transition = np.tile(transition, (n_states, 1, 1)) elif transition.shape != (n_states, 2, 2): raise ParameterError( f"transition.shape={transition.shape}, must be (2, 2) or " f"(n_states, 2, 2)={n_states}" ) if np.any(transition < 0) or not np.allclose(transition.sum(axis=-1), 1): raise ParameterError( "Invalid transition matrix: must be non-negative " "and sum to 1 on each row." ) if np.any(prob < 0) or np.any(prob > 1): raise ParameterError("Invalid probability values: prob must be between [0, 1]") if p_state is None: p_state = np.empty(n_states) p_state.fill(0.5) else: p_state = np.atleast_1d(p_state) assert p_state is not None if p_state.shape != (n_states,) or np.any(p_state < 0) or np.any(p_state > 1): raise ParameterError(f"Invalid marginal state distributions: p_state={p_state}") if p_init is None: p_init = np.empty(n_states) p_init.fill(0.5) else: p_init = np.atleast_1d(p_init) assert p_init is not None if p_init.shape != (n_states,) or np.any(p_init < 0) or np.any(p_init > 1): raise ParameterError(f"Invalid initial state distributions: p_init={p_init}") shape_prefix = list(prob.shape[:-2]) states = np.empty(shape_prefix + [n_states, n_steps], dtype=np.uint16) logp = np.empty(shape_prefix + [n_states]) prob_binary = np.empty(shape_prefix + [2, n_steps]) p_state_binary = np.empty(2) p_init_binary = np.empty(2) for state in range(n_states): prob_binary[..., 0, :] = 1 - prob[..., state, :] prob_binary[..., 1, :] = prob[..., state, :] p_state_binary[0] = 1 - p_state[state] p_state_binary[1] = p_state[state] p_init_binary[0] = 1 - p_init[state] p_init_binary[1] = p_init[state] states[..., state, :], logp[..., state] = viterbi_discriminative( prob_binary, transition[state], p_state=p_state_binary, p_init=p_init_binary, return_logp=True, ) if return_logp: return states, logp return states
[docs]def transition_uniform(n_states: int) -> np.ndarray: """Construct a uniform transition matrix over ``n_states``. Parameters ---------- n_states : int > 0 The number of states Returns ------- transition : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states, n_states)] ``transition[i, j] = 1./n_states`` Examples -------- >>> librosa.sequence.transition_uniform(3) array([[0.333, 0.333, 0.333], [0.333, 0.333, 0.333], [0.333, 0.333, 0.333]]) """ if not is_positive_int(n_states): raise ParameterError(f"n_states={n_states} must be a positive integer") transition = np.empty((n_states, n_states), dtype=np.float64) transition.fill(1.0 / n_states) return transition
[docs]def transition_loop(n_states: int, prob: Union[float, Iterable[float]]) -> np.ndarray: """Construct a self-loop transition matrix over ``n_states``. The transition matrix will have the following properties: - ``transition[i, i] = p`` for all ``i`` - ``transition[i, j] = (1 - p) / (n_states - 1)`` for all ``j != i`` This type of transition matrix is appropriate when states tend to be locally stable, and there is no additional structure between different states. This is primarily useful for de-noising frame-wise predictions. Parameters ---------- n_states : int > 1 The number of states prob : float in [0, 1] or iterable, length=n_states If a scalar, this is the probability of a self-transition. If a vector of length ``n_states``, ``p[i]`` is the probability of self-transition in state ``i`` Returns ------- transition : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states, n_states)] The transition matrix Examples -------- >>> librosa.sequence.transition_loop(3, 0.5) array([[0.5 , 0.25, 0.25], [0.25, 0.5 , 0.25], [0.25, 0.25, 0.5 ]]) >>> librosa.sequence.transition_loop(3, [0.8, 0.5, 0.25]) array([[0.8 , 0.1 , 0.1 ], [0.25 , 0.5 , 0.25 ], [0.375, 0.375, 0.25 ]]) """ if not (is_positive_int(n_states) and (n_states > 1)): raise ParameterError(f"n_states={n_states} must be a positive integer > 1") transition = np.empty((n_states, n_states), dtype=np.float64) # if it's a float, make it a vector prob = np.asarray(prob, dtype=np.float64) if prob.ndim == 0: prob = np.tile(prob, n_states) if prob.shape != (n_states,): raise ParameterError( f"prob={prob} must have length equal to n_states={n_states}" ) if np.any(prob < 0) or np.any(prob > 1): raise ParameterError(f"prob={prob} must have values in the range [0, 1]") for i, prob_i in enumerate(prob): transition[i] = (1.0 - prob_i) / (n_states - 1) transition[i, i] = prob_i return transition
[docs]def transition_cycle(n_states: int, prob: Union[float, Iterable[float]]) -> np.ndarray: """Construct a cyclic transition matrix over ``n_states``. The transition matrix will have the following properties: - ``transition[i, i] = p`` - ``transition[i, i + 1] = (1 - p)`` This type of transition matrix is appropriate for state spaces with cyclical structure, such as metrical position within a bar. For example, a song in 4/4 time has state transitions of the form 1->{1, 2}, 2->{2, 3}, 3->{3, 4}, 4->{4, 1}. Parameters ---------- n_states : int > 1 The number of states prob : float in [0, 1] or iterable, length=n_states If a scalar, this is the probability of a self-transition. If a vector of length ``n_states``, ``p[i]`` is the probability of self-transition in state ``i`` Returns ------- transition : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states, n_states)] The transition matrix Examples -------- >>> librosa.sequence.transition_cycle(4, 0.9) array([[0.9, 0.1, 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0.9, 0.1, 0. ], [0. , 0. , 0.9, 0.1], [0.1, 0. , 0. , 0.9]]) """ if not (is_positive_int(n_states) and n_states > 1): raise ParameterError(f"n_states={n_states} must be a positive integer > 1") transition = np.zeros((n_states, n_states), dtype=np.float64) # if it's a float, make it a vector prob = np.asarray(prob, dtype=np.float64) if prob.ndim == 0: prob = np.tile(prob, n_states) if prob.shape != (n_states,): raise ParameterError( f"prob={prob} must have length equal to n_states={n_states}" ) if np.any(prob < 0) or np.any(prob > 1): raise ParameterError(f"prob={prob} must have values in the range [0, 1]") for i, prob_i in enumerate(prob): transition[i, np.mod(i + 1, n_states)] = 1.0 - prob_i transition[i, i] = prob_i return transition
[docs]def transition_local( n_states: int, width: Union[int, Iterable[int]], *, window: _WindowSpec = "triangle", wrap: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Construct a localized transition matrix. The transition matrix will have the following properties: - ``transition[i, j] = 0`` if ``|i - j| > width`` - ``transition[i, i]`` is maximal - ``transition[i, i - width//2 : i + width//2]`` has shape ``window`` This type of transition matrix is appropriate for state spaces that discretely approximate continuous variables, such as in fundamental frequency estimation. Parameters ---------- n_states : int > 1 The number of states width : int >= 1 or iterable The maximum number of states to treat as "local". If iterable, it should have length equal to ``n_states``, and specify the width independently for each state. window : str, callable, or window specification The window function to determine the shape of the "local" distribution. Any window specification supported by `filters.get_window` will work here. .. note:: Certain windows (e.g., 'hann') are identically 0 at the boundaries, so and effectively have ``width-2`` non-zero values. You may have to expand ``width`` to get the desired behavior. wrap : bool If ``True``, then state locality ``|i - j|`` is computed modulo ``n_states``. If ``False`` (default), then locality is absolute. See Also -------- librosa.filters.get_window Returns ------- transition : np.ndarray [shape=(n_states, n_states)] The transition matrix Examples -------- Triangular distributions with and without wrapping >>> librosa.sequence.transition_local(5, 3, window='triangle', wrap=False) array([[0.667, 0.333, 0. , 0. , 0. ], [0.25 , 0.5 , 0.25 , 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0.25 , 0.5 , 0.25 , 0. ], [0. , 0. , 0.25 , 0.5 , 0.25 ], [0. , 0. , 0. , 0.333, 0.667]]) >>> librosa.sequence.transition_local(5, 3, window='triangle', wrap=True) array([[0.5 , 0.25, 0. , 0. , 0.25], [0.25, 0.5 , 0.25, 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.25, 0. ], [0. , 0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.25], [0.25, 0. , 0. , 0.25, 0.5 ]]) Uniform local distributions with variable widths and no wrapping >>> librosa.sequence.transition_local(5, [1, 2, 3, 3, 1], window='ones', wrap=False) array([[1. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ], [0.5 , 0.5 , 0. , 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0.333, 0.333, 0.333, 0. ], [0. , 0. , 0.333, 0.333, 0.333], [0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. ]]) """ if not (is_positive_int(n_states) and n_states > 1): raise ParameterError(f"n_states={n_states} must be a positive integer > 1") width = np.asarray(width, dtype=int) if width.ndim == 0: width = np.tile(width, n_states) if width.shape != (n_states,): raise ParameterError( f"width={width} must have length equal to n_states={n_states}" ) if np.any(width < 1): raise ParameterError(f"width={width} must be at least 1") transition = np.zeros((n_states, n_states), dtype=np.float64) # Fill in the widths. This is inefficient, but simple for i, width_i in enumerate(width): trans_row = pad_center( get_window(window, width_i, fftbins=False), size=n_states ) trans_row = np.roll(trans_row, n_states // 2 + i + 1) if not wrap: # Knock out the off-diagonal-band elements trans_row[min(n_states, i + width_i // 2 + 1) :] = 0 trans_row[: max(0, i - width_i // 2)] = 0 transition[i] = trans_row # Row-normalize transition /= transition.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) return transition