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librosa.sequence.viterbi(prob, transition, *, p_init=None, return_logp=False)[source]

Viterbi decoding from observation likelihoods.

Given a sequence of observation likelihoods prob[s, t], indicating the conditional likelihood of seeing the observation at time t from state s, and a transition matrix transition[i, j] which encodes the conditional probability of moving from state i to state j, the Viterbi algorithm [1] computes the most likely sequence of states from the observations.

probnp.ndarray [shape=(…, n_states, n_steps), non-negative]

prob[..., s, t] is the probability of observation at time t being generated by state s.

transitionnp.ndarray [shape=(n_states, n_states), non-negative]

transition[i, j] is the probability of a transition from i->j. Each row must sum to 1.

p_initnp.ndarray [shape=(n_states,)]

Optional: initial state distribution. If not provided, a uniform distribution is assumed.


If True, return the log-likelihood of the state sequence.

Either states or (states, logp):
statesnp.ndarray [shape=(…, n_steps,)]

The most likely state sequence. If prob contains multiple channels of input, then each channel is decoded independently.

logpscalar [float] or np.ndarray

If return_logp=True, the log probability of states given the observations.

See also


Viterbi decoding from state likelihoods


Example from

In this example, we have two states healthy and fever, with initial probabilities 60% and 40%.

We have three observation possibilities: normal, cold, and dizzy, whose probabilities given each state are:

healthy => {normal: 50%, cold: 40%, dizzy: 10%} and fever => {normal: 10%, cold: 30%, dizzy: 60%}

Finally, we have transition probabilities:

healthy => healthy (70%) and fever => fever (60%).

Over three days, we observe the sequence [normal, cold, dizzy], and wish to know the maximum likelihood assignment of states for the corresponding days, which we compute with the Viterbi algorithm below.

>>> p_init = np.array([0.6, 0.4])
>>> p_emit = np.array([[0.5, 0.4, 0.1],
...                    [0.1, 0.3, 0.6]])
>>> p_trans = np.array([[0.7, 0.3], [0.4, 0.6]])
>>> path, logp = librosa.sequence.viterbi(p_emit, p_trans, p_init=p_init,
...                                       return_logp=True)
>>> print(logp, path)
-4.19173690823075 [0 0 1]