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librosa.feature.chroma_cens(y=None, sr=22050, C=None, hop_length=512, fmin=None, tuning=None, n_chroma=12, n_octaves=7, bins_per_octave=None, cqt_mode='full', window=None, norm=2, win_len_smooth=41, smoothing_window='hann')[source]

Computes the chroma variant “Chroma Energy Normalized” (CENS), following [1].

To compute CENS features, following steps are taken after obtaining chroma vectors using chroma_cqt: 1. L-1 normalization of each chroma vector 2. Quantization of amplitude based on “log-like” amplitude thresholds 3. (optional) Smoothing with sliding window. Default window length = 41 frames 4. (not implemented) Downsampling

CENS features are robust to dynamics, timbre and articulation, thus these are commonly used in audio matching and retrieval applications.


Meinard Müller and Sebastian Ewert “Chroma Toolbox: MATLAB implementations for extracting variants of chroma-based audio features” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), 2011.

ynp.ndarray [shape=(n,)]

audio time series

srnumber > 0

sampling rate of y

Cnp.ndarray [shape=(d, t)] [Optional]

a pre-computed constant-Q spectrogram

hop_lengthint > 0

number of samples between successive chroma frames

fminfloat > 0

minimum frequency to analyze in the CQT. Default: ‘C1’ ~= 32.7 Hz

normint > 0, +-np.inf, or None

Column-wise normalization of the chromagram.


Deviation (in fractions of a CQT bin) from A440 tuning

n_chromaint > 0

Number of chroma bins to produce

n_octavesint > 0

Number of octaves to analyze above fmin

windowNone or np.ndarray

Optional window parameter to filters.cq_to_chroma

bins_per_octaveint > 0

Number of bins per octave in the CQT. Default: matches n_chroma

cqt_mode[‘full’, ‘hybrid’]

Constant-Q transform mode

win_len_smoothint > 0 or None

Length of temporal smoothing window. None disables temporal smoothing. Default: 41

smoothing_windowstr, float or tuple

Type of window function for temporal smoothing. See filters.get_window for possible inputs. Default: ‘hann’

chroma_censnp.ndarray [shape=(n_chroma, t)]

The output cens-chromagram

See also


Compute a chromagram from a constant-Q transform.


Compute a chromagram from an STFT spectrogram or waveform.


Compute a window function.


Compare standard cqt chroma to CENS.

>>> y, sr = librosa.load(librosa.util.example_audio_file(),
...                      offset=10, duration=15)
>>> chroma_cens = librosa.feature.chroma_cens(y=y, sr=sr)
>>> chroma_cq = librosa.feature.chroma_cqt(y=y, sr=sr)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.figure()
>>> plt.subplot(2,1,1)
>>> librosa.display.specshow(chroma_cq, y_axis='chroma')
>>> plt.title('chroma_cq')
>>> plt.colorbar()
>>> plt.subplot(2,1,2)
>>> librosa.display.specshow(chroma_cens, y_axis='chroma', x_axis='time')
>>> plt.title('chroma_cens')
>>> plt.colorbar()
>>> plt.tight_layout()